Medical Care

Health problems that could arise in your cat

Litter box issues. This is the number one problem that people report with their cats. It can be very frustrating when this happens, but since cats can’t communicate with words, they have to try and communicate by other means. There is usually a reason cats avoid their litter box and there are many ways to resolve the issue.

  • Talk with your veterinarian. Bladder stones, urinary tract diseases, and crystals in the urine are all reasons your cat might start avoiding the litter box. You need to rule these issues out first and a visit to your vet is necessary. Many times a cat will pee on a tile floor as it is very cooling to a pet in pain. Please be aware of odd or new behaviors.
  • Have at least one litter box per cat. If your kitty has to stand in line before she can relieve herself, she may decide to take her bathroom break elsewhere.
  • ALWAYS KEEP the litter box clean — even clumping litter has to be changed regularly. A rule of thumb: Clean the box at least once daily, twice if there’s more than one cat in the house.You wouldn’t want to use a dirty toilet, so don’t do that to your pet.
  • Changes in your home can upset your felines. Being in animal rescue for 10 years now, we’ve seen it all. A lady who adopted from us changed out her carpet for tile floors. Her cats were not pleased and started peeing outside their box. She took them to her vet and they had no underlying medical issues. She ended up trying Pheromones (Feliway) which fixed the problem! I’ve also heard of other medications that can help this issue as well. New animals in the home can also create problems. Just be aware that there are many ways to correct this behavior! Please be patient with your voiceless pet.
  • Tapeworms. Looks like a piece of white rice. It is found in their feces, bedding, or around the anus of the cat or kitten. Tapeworms are very common and generally aren’t harmful to cats. Rarely, tapeworms may cause debilitation or weight loss if they are present in large numbers. Cats become infected with tapeworms from swallowing a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae or from eating infected mice or other exposed animals. To rid your cat/kitten (over 7 weeks old) of these, purchase Praziquantel Feline Tape Worm Tablets or liquid. Usually you can buy this over the counter at your local pet supermarkets (Petco/PetSmart). Check with your vet if you have any concerns or questions. One pill costs anywhere from 4-8 dollars. Some vets like to charge you a visit fee for this issue, while others will let you walk in to grab the pill.

    *Here is the dosing chart for Praziquantel Feline Tape Worm Tablets 23mg each (not located on the bottle). 4 lbs and under = ½ tablet, 5-11 lbs = 1 tablet, Over 11 lbs = 1 ½ tablets.

  • A simple illness can overwhelm a kitten very quickly. If your kitten becomes lethargic or has any drastic changes in behavior. call a vet ASAP. Your kitten relies on your for help.
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